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Learn how to align your budget with your strategy and performance

For most local governments, the budget is the most important deliverable they produce all year. A budget outlines an organization’s accessible funding, communicates expected surpluses or shortfalls, and details how and when money should be spent in the coming year.

But of course, it represents more than that.

It’s often been said that a budget is a value statement about what is important to the organization. A budget should communicate an organization’s priorities and direction–however, for many local governments, the message the budget sends is that keeping the status quo is the priority.

Solving this disconnect requires aligning the budget with the strategic direction of the organization and, subsequently, to its performance.

Five Pillars for Aligning Budget with Strategy and Performance offers a deep dive into why local governments should embrace a modern approach to budgeting, and explores five pillars that are key to interlacing budgeting with strategy execution and performance management.

Download the guide today to learn:

  • Why you should consider embarking upon a budgeting transformation journey.
  • How to align your budget with a “living” strategic plan
  • Best practices in performance measurement and reporting to support ongoing resource allocation decisions
  • The five pillars of our Planning and Performance Framework to go from goals to results.

Guide Image: Five Pillars to Align Budget with Strategy and Performance

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