City of Ontario, CA

Photo of the City of Ontario, California


San Bernardino County, California

180,000 Residents

Innovation, Performance and Audit

Proactive planning and commitment to execution ensure a bright future in Ontario, California

In Ontario, California, an impassioned group of city officials are executing on their mandate to build a better and brighter future for their community.

“Ontario is really leading the way by allowing people like Jordan and I to be creative and explore new softwares like Envisio,” says Ria Pavia, the Deputy Director of Innovation, Performance, and Audit at the City of Ontario. “We’ve been able to move forward with so many initiatives, partly due to a new sales tax measure that we just initiated called Measure Q.”

Ontario has a long history of strategy execution and performance management, but moving forward with Measure Q was different–this progressive measure, which saw the community approve a 1% overall sales tax increase to fund key infrastructure projects and drive better services, would mean taking things to the next level.

“One of the things that our city manager really emphasized to us was tracking our progress, making sure that we’re always moving forward and being accountable,” says Ria. “Each department has to do their reporting and have strategic plans detailed for the next five years–it’s so important that we have a vision of where we’re going, especially when we’re passing initiatives like Measure Q where we’re asking the community for more resources. Any time you’re doing something like that, accountability becomes a priority.”

Measure Q represents an incredible step forward for Ontario–but even before this measure was passed, the city was doing all the right things to drive better community outcomes through strategic planning and performance management.

Diagram of City of Ontario Strategic Plan Lifecycle
Screenshot of City of Ontario Measure Q Overview