Welcome to Envisio’s 2023 Innovation Spotlight!

In this ebook, we spotlight some exceptional outcomes and innovations from our customer base in 2023.

In many cases, the public agencies highlighted in these pages are addressing increasingly complex societal challenges that require cross-agency collaboration, community bridge-building, and holistic, innovative solutions.

These are the public sector organizations who have not only “completed” their goals on their progress reports, aced key actions, and hit performance targets, but are really walking the walk when it comes to:

  • Compassionate urban planning
  • Climate action
  • Equity and inclusion
  • Organizational transparency
  • Community engagement
  • Data-driven decision-making
  • And more!

So here’s to you, the champions of innovation, the builders of better communities, and the architects of positive change.

Keep shining, keep thriving, and let’s change the world together in 2024!