Front cover image of Envisio public sector data storytelling guide

Learn how to tell your story with data, support evidence-based decisions, and foster transparency

As a public sector agency, you’ve got data–lots of it. But having data at your disposal is only useful if you can extract meaning from it and quickly communicate those insights to those who need it.

Becoming a proficient data storyteller matters now more than ever. It can help you to impact policy-making by turning data into actionable insights, and it supports lawmakers with decisions rooted in evidence, not emotion. Data storytelling also helps to foster a culture of transparency by offering residents valuable insights into how and why their representatives are making decisions and the outcomes achieved.

In short? Data used well can increase resident satisfaction, build trust, and help drive positive social change in your corner of the world. 

Data Storytelling for the Public Sector will teach you the “how” and “why” of telling your story with data.

Download the guide today and learn how to: 

  • Leverage data to tell the story of your organization’s performance and impact
  • Build interesting and relevant data visualizations for different audiences and contexts
  • Collect the right data at the right time
  • Use data in the decision-making process and get buy-in for change
  • Apply lessons learned and key insights from award-winning, data-driven cities

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