Front cover image of guide on how to build an engaging community dashboard

How to Build an Engaging Community Dashboard

Building and sharing a community dashboard that communicates organizational performance to your external stakeholders is one the best ways that local governments and other public sector organizations can build trust, accountability, and transparency with their communities.

However, many organizations find the idea of publishing a public-facing dashboard daunting – and understandably so. But the good news is that there are proven ways to make the process simpler and the results highly impactful.

This free guide will elaborate on these methods and help ensure that your community dashboard tells the story of your organization’s performance in a way that is engaging, educational, and transparent. It includes real examples of high-performing dashboards and how they were built, and testimonials of the transformative power of communicating with your constituents via a public-facing dashboard.

Download the guide for key learnings on how to:

  • Build a compelling, easy-to-use dashboard for external stakeholders
  • Get buy-in from your staff and elected officials
  • Foster an organizational culture of transparency
  • Develop the right reporting cadence
  • Make your community dashboard accessible
  • Inspire ongoing engagement with both your internal and external stakeholders.

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