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Operational Planning Guide for Local Governments and Other Public Sector Organizations

More than ever, local governments and other public sector organizations are aware of the value of strategic planning. However, moving from planning to action is not always a simple process–it is not uncommon for organizations to spend time, money, and resources developing a strategic plan only for it to never be implemented.

Avoiding this pitfall requires you to develop an operational plan (sometimes called an action plan) to help manifest your strategic vision.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through what it takes to move from planning to action by developing an effective operational plan, aligning it with your budget and people, and adding measures and metrics to ensure you’re delivering on the promises you make.

Download the guide for key learnings, examples and templates on how to:

  • Structure your plan into goals, strategies and actions
  • Build SMART actions
  • Align your budget with your plan
  • Engage your staff in building your action plan and implementing it
  • Measuring and reporting on performance

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