Image of the white paper Rethinking Budgeting: A Roadmap for Real Collaboration in Budgeting

Rethinking Budgeting: A Roadmap for Real Collaboration in Budgeting

As three government technology leaders — Balancing Act by Polco, Envisio, and Questica, a division of GTY Technology — we see a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a roadmap for a modern budget process that builds on the recommendations of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and the Rethinking Budgeting initiative created in collaboration with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the National League of Cities (NCL).

In their more than six years of deep investigation into what’s working and what needs changing in budgeting, the GFOA has articulated three core functions of the future of budgeting, including:

  • Budgeting – Allocating a local government’s limited resources
  • Planning – Articulating a desired future state for the organization
  • Monitoring/reporting – Making sure that the commitments made during planning and budgeting are lived up to and maintaining an understanding of the environment

This white paper introduces a roadmap that articulates and expounds on the core functions for a modern government budget process. In it, our companies come together to propose an integrated, iterative, and transparent process that — when driven by inspired civic leaders and motivated staff — can steer government in the wisest possible direction.

By downloading the white paper, you will:

  • Learn how the current governing landscape provides both challenges and opportunities for budgeting
  • Understand how to leverage technology partners to bust silos, drive public engagement, and execute on strategy
  • Grow your knowledge of how to align the work of government with the needs of the community
  • Access insights, examples, and best practices for a modern budgeting process

“We appreciate and support the efforts of Balancing Act, Envisio, and Questica as they partner to develop the tools and technology that will allow local governments to translate best practice recommendations into results for their residents. We invite and encourage others in the government finance sector to do the same. GFOA is proud to serve as a resource and catalyst for innovation. It is our hope that we can continue to bring together leaders from both the public and private sectors in pursuit of building caring and resilient communities.”
– Chris Morrill, GFOA Executive Director

Download the white paper