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Join Envisio at the 118th Annual GFOA Conference in Florida

Colourful artist impression of Orlando skyline

Hey finance folks! Are you ready for the 118th Annual Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) conference? We sure are!

This year, sunny Orlando will play host to the GFOA, and we are excited to be part of the action. Last year was filled with so many takeaways; from aligning budget with community outcomes and strategy, to the importance of transparency.

This year, we will be focused on the critical role that strategic planning and performance management plays in a modernized budgeting process.

With over 10 years’ experience helping hundreds of local governments to create and execute on living strategic plans, track performance, and share results, we know what it takes to align your planning and performance processes with your budgeting process.

We recently published a comprehensive guide on five pillars to aligning budget with strategy which applies our Planning and Performance Framework to the Rethinking Budgeting “operating system”.

We’ll be around to chat about that, as well as the work we’ve been doing to support the GFOA’s Rethinking Budgeting readiness assessment tool—so be sure to pop by our booth and say hi.

We can’t wait to meet some new friends, and catch up with old ones, too!

Here’s where you can catch Envisio (and friends) at this year’s GFOA Annual Conference.

Conference Details: The When, Where, Who, and What

When: June 9–12, 2024 (Exhibit dates: June 9–11)
Where: Orange County Convention Center, Booth 439
Who: Meet the Envisio team! Liz, Stefan, AB, and Mark will be there, ready to chat with how Envisio can help you align your budget with your strategic plan, and then track and share results.
What: Besides engaging conversations and insightful presentations, we’re bringing fun and games to our booth! Swing by to see what we have in store.

Get Creative at Envisio’s GFOA Booth: Name and Caption the City

Give our demo city a caption and a name!

Come by and play our city caption contest and let your creativity blossom. We’ll be giving out prizes for the best (funniest, most clever, most interesting, or most innovative…) names and city captions you can come up with for our fantastical demo city.

We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Coffee (Or Cake Pops) On Us!

We have $5 Starbucks gift cards for the first 50 people who come to our booth to learn about Envisio.

If you want to reserve a time (and guarantee your gift card), you can do so here.

Or simply drop by Booth 439 anytime. So whether it’s coffee or tea, cake pops or croissants, enjoy a little pick-me-up on us!

Don’t Miss A Modernized Budgeting Readiness Assessment: Leadership Workshop

GFOA’s Budgeting Readiness Assessment

When: Sunday, June 9, 2:40 PM-4:40 PM ET
Where: Room W340

Are you ready for a modernized budgeting process?

This session dives into how traditional budgeting methods may not be taking your community as far as you want—or need—it to go. Discover how the GFOA’s Rethinking Budgeting initiative can help you better meet your community’s needs, and learn how to use the new readiness assessment tool to start your organization’s budgeting transformation journey.

Liz and Stefan from Envisio will be supporting this session as floating facilitators. Flag them down and ask them anything!

Note: This workshop requires pre-registration. Click here to pre-register.

Must-See Sessions with Our Friends

There are so many sessions happening—and with this many amazing leaders packed into one space, you really can’t go wrong. That said, if you’re looking to innovate around your budgeting practices, the following sessions will not disappoint.

Using Fiscal Maps to Guide Decision Makers

Using Fiscal Maps to Guide Decision Makers
When: Monday, June 10, 1:30-2:20 p.m. ET
Where: Room W224 ABEF

  • Amelia Vaughn, Director, Fiscal Data Infrastructure, Children’s Funding Project, Bumpass, Virginia
  • Sheila White, Director of Finance, City of Richmond, Virginia
  • Kyle Wedberg, Ph.D., Senior Manager, Research and Consulting, Chicago Office

Learn how fiscal maps can simplify complex budget information, making it easier for decision-makers to understand and utilize data for better outcomes. This session will showcase practical examples and offer insights into applying these techniques to various program areas.

Performance-Informed Budgeting: The Prospects and Problems

Performance-Informed Budgeting: The Prospects and Problems
When: Sunday, June 9, 3:50-5:05 p.m. ET
Where: Room F4 (Tangerine Ballroom)

Join industry experts as they tackle the challenges of shifting to performance-informed budgeting. Speakers will share strategies for overcoming technical, communication, leadership, and political hurdles to make this transition successful and sustainable.

From Excel to AI: Low Cost Technologies with Big Impact

From Excel to AI: Low Cost Technologies with Big Impact

When: Tuesday, June 11, 10:20-12:00 p.m. ET
Where: Tangerine Ballroom, WF1

Be sure to drop by “From Excel to AI: Low Cost Technologies with Big Impact,” and explore how affordable and simple technology can help transform your organization. Hear from experts about simple, cost effective tools for analytics, communications, process improvement, and group collaboration.

Leadership Workshop: Developing Skills to Lead

Leadership Workshop: Developing Skills to Lead
When: Tuesday, June 11, 2:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Where: Sunburst Room, W340

These leaders will be taking us through a workshop on what it takes to be an effective CFO—beyond the technical skills. They’ll be sharing insights on the qualities they seek in financial leaders, and the challenges those leaders have to manage.

Note: This workshop requires pre-registration

Rethinking Budgeting in Action

Rethinking Budgeting in Action
When: Tuesday, June 11, 3:35-4:50 p.m. ET
Where: Rooms W224, ABEF

This session will dive into the GFOA’s innovative Rethinking Budgeting initiative, which introduces a modernized process for local government budgeting. Speakers (Vicki Carlson, David Goldman, Harpreet Hora, and Mary Ellen Leonard) will address common budgeting challenges, principles for overcoming them, and practical applications for various scenarios. Plus, get an exclusive preview of how GFOA will integrate these insights into future budgeting guidance.

Sunshine on GFOA’s Latest Initiatives: Collaborating with GFOA State and Provincial Associations

Sunshine on GFOA’s Latest Initiatives
When: Monday, June 10, 4:15-5:30 p.m. ET
Where: Room W331A

This will be an engaging session that brings the GFOA team together to share the latest news, programs, and resources from GFOA. They’ll also be introducing attendees to the Western States partnership (we’re excited too). If you’re interested in GFOA state and provincial associations, this is the session to join!

See You at the GFOA Conference!

That sums it up! Whether you’re most looking forward to the networking, the learning, or the fun, we’re excited to connect and share ideas.

(Psst… Before you go, don’t forget to download our latest ebook on aligning budget with strategy. This is a must-read for local governments looking to transform their budgeting process.)

See you in Florida!

Haena Cho

Haena is a marketing professional with diversified project management and event management experience. Haena is passionate about collaboration, designing campaigns to maximize impact, community outreach, and fostering positive relationships to establish and support long-standing partnerships.

Outside of work, she can be spotted in line at one of Vancouver’s many ice cream shops or playing beach volleyball. She is proud to be part of Envisio—a mission-driven company that is building transparency and trust for communities.

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